Monday 28 November 2016

Broken boiler..

- I don't know if this warranted a post. Gonna be merely a rant. So please read at your own risk. 

Spent a day waiting for the boiler to be fixed including falling asleep under the quilt where I stayed most of the time trying to keep myself warm from the 12 degrees temp flat. The Letting agency did not bother to let me know until I called them a few mins before they close to find that the flat management sorted the issue and I was shivering for 8 hours without realising that. Obviously, I stupidly thought to turn it off until it was fixed and was waiting for the engineer to come around. Didn't know they could fix it from outside and the letting agency wouldn't bother telling me that it was fixed.  When I found out the news, I really was like a little kid in a sweet shop. All smily and singing :) .

The most ridiculous part was though going and buying an electric heater. Luckily I didn't use it as I bought it just in case this doesn't get fixed, I needed something for the night. Another trip to Argos to return the heater tomorrow. 

Had a very unproductive day because of all this. 
And this is what a cold flat with no heating and no hot water in winter would do to you. A whole day wasted. 

Have a good week ahead all.

New season

 I cannot believe I made it back in here for the second time this year.  My new baby is playing/about to cry sort of state in the background...